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Foreword: PALU CEO Adv. Donald Deya
Dear Subscriber,

Greetings from the Pan African Lawyers Union (PALU), the premier continental membership forum of and for lawyers and lawyers’ associations in Africa. As the year 2023 steadily draws to a close, we would like to express our gratitude to all our patrons and development partners, and most importantly, to you our members, for all the support received during the year, without which our actions and achievements would not have been possible. Your continued support has thus enabled PALU to not only advance the legal profession in Africa but also to remain a significant advocate for human rights, good governance, and the rule of law, all of which are crucial for the socio-economic well-being of ordinary African citizens.

PALU's work is not without its challenges. Recently, we have witnessed the shrinking of the civic space due to widespread imposition of restrictions, which culminated with intimidation and the detention of activists by government authorities in all regions of the continent. This unwelcomed trend also has the effect of making African democracy appears fragile, particularly in Central and Western Africa, where a wave of coups d’État took place, and in the Horn of Africa, where internal conflicts and infighting have left many without access to their daily essentials and humanitarian aid. PALU remains vigilant and actively intervenes in these and other unfolding incidents.

That being said, we would like to share some of the many engagements PALU has undertaken in the second half of 2023, following our largely successful Annual Conference in Livingstone, Zambia. In October, PALU will be welcoming Africa to Arusha as Tanzania will be hosting the 77th Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights (ACHPR), scheduled to take place from October 20th to November 2023 9th. PALU is eagerly looking forward to this gathering and extends an invitation to all its members to attend.
News from PALU
ECOSOCC Annual Citizens Forum 2023
ECOSOCC Annual Citizens Forum 2023
10 – 11July 2023 (Nairobi, Kenya) – PALU participated in the ECOSOCC Annual Citizens Forum that brought together diverse stakeholders with the view of achieving the following:

Highlighting, amplifying, and raising awareness of the existing continental and international frameworks and mechanisms, instruments, and protocols on digital governance.
Creating an inclusive space and platform for African civil society in their various representations and capacities to unpack and examine historical and contemporary issues surrounding democracy and digital governance.

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PALU sets Priorities at A.U High-level Private Sector Forum
PALU sets Priorities at A.U High-level Private Sector Forum
10th – 12th July 2023 Nairobi (Kenya) – The A.U High-level Private Sector Forum’s objective was to strengthen the linkages between Regional and Continental markets for increased trade and investments. It also aimed at providing a platform for High-Level Government officials to candidly discuss the challenges that face the business community and deliberate on solutions and opportunities presented by Regional and Continental integration initiatives such as the AfCFTA.

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Africans for the Horn of Africa Convene to Chart Solutions for the Horn of Africa
Africans for the Horn of Africa Convene to Chart Solutions for the Horn of Africa
12th – 15th July (Nairobi, Kenya) – PALU took part in strategy meetings organized by the Africans for the Horn of Africa initiative which is a collaboration between Atrocities Watch Africa, Africa Leadership Center, International Refugee Rights Initiative and the Pan African Lawyers Union.

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East African Community In-house Counsel International Convention
East African Community In-house Counsel International Convention
27 – 28 July 2023 (Zanzibar, Tanzania) – The Pan African Lawyers Union (PALU) participated in the premier convention for lawyers, policymakers, regulators, and compliance managers working within corporations, governments, and other organizations organized by the East African Law Society (EALS).

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98th Annual Conference of the National Bar Association
98th Annual Conference of the National Bar Association
29th July – 2nd August 2023, (Minneapolis, USA) - PALU was represented at this year’s 98th NBA Annual Conference by our Chief Executive Officer Mr Donald Deya. PALU. PALU and the NBA had earlier in July during it’s Annual Conference in Livingstone Zambia, signed an MoU on possible areas of collaboration that would benefit members from both associations.

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PALU was a proud participant at the Law Society of Kenya’s annual conference which took place on 15-18 August 2023 under the theme, “Climate change: from theory to action, the role of the legal profession in climate justice” and the sub-theme, “Anti-Money laundering: the uncomfortable agent, a lawyer’s role in balancing the competing interests”.

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Sub-Saharan Africa Litigators Convening
Sub-Saharan Africa Litigators Convening
PALU participated in a continental convening of experienced litigators that brought female lawyers across Africa who are passionate and have extensive knowledge in litigating freedom of expression and related issues to free speech and digital rights at national and regional levels. The convening, organized by Media Defence on 22-24 August 2023 in Johannesburg, South Africa, aimed at identifying existing challenges and reflecting on best practices towards enhancing freedom of expression as a pivotal element for a democratic state.

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PALU highlights the importance of the Restitution of African Artifacts
PALU highlights the importance of the Restitution of African Artifacts
22 – 24 August 2023, (Accra, Ghana) – PALU participated in a three-day summit, hosted by the Culture and Art program of the Open Society Foundations. The convening brought together speakers and attendees who included leaders and other representatives from the African Union, ECOWAS, NGOs, UN agencies, philanthropies, academia, creative communities, civil societies, and the African diaspora.

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8th Annual ATRN Congress
8th Annual ATRN Congress
The Pan African Lawyers Union (PALU) was a proud participant to the 8th Annual Africa Tax Research Network (ATRN) Congress, organized by the the African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF) in partnership with the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA), which took place on 29-31 August 2023 in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania. Hon. Prof. Adolf F. Mkenda, Minister of Education, Science, and Technology, graced the Opening Ceremony.

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Silencing the Guns Expert Roundtable
Silencing the Guns Expert Roundtable
Created in response to the scourge of conflict and insecurity on the African continent by leaders committed, through the 2013 Solemn Declaration, to a continent free from the burden of war for the next generation, the African Union (AU) Silencing the Gun (STG) Programming aims at addressing the root causes of conflicts, eradicate recurring conflicts, and prevent and manage insecurity on the continent.

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The Role of Lawyers in Reviewing Loan Agreements
The Role of Lawyers in Reviewing Loan Agreements
The Pan African Lawyers Union (PALU), 30 Aug – 1 Sept 2023, attended in Dakar, Senegal, the 3rd Edition of the African Conference on Debt and Development #AfCoDDIII, organized by sister organisations African Forum and Network on Debt and Development (AFRODAD), TrustAfrica and Stop The Bleeding Consortium.

This year's discussions were centred around provoking a reflection, by opinion leaders, parliamentarians, government officials and civil societies activists, to Reimagine, Rethink, Reorganise, and Remobilise sustainable debt to better fit the African context.

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AfricanBHR Forum 2023
AfricanBHR Forum 2023
PALU attended the 2nd Forum of the African Business & Human Rights Forum, on 5-7 September 2023, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, convened by the African Union and co-organized by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNOHCR), the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), in close collaboration with local, regional, continental and international actors.

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Orientation of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights Library
Orientation of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights Library
In acknowledging the importance of making knowledge and information resources from the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights more accessible to the lawyers and the public, the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights established in 2009 a resource centre library). The library serves all 55 member states of the African Union (AU), providing its services in the official languages of the AU.

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Africans For The Horn Of Africa (Af4HA) Calls For Solidarity and Support of Sudanese Citizens
Africans For The Horn Of Africa (Af4HA) Calls For Solidarity and Support of Sudanese Citizens
Africans for the Horn of Africa (Af4HA) Initiative, a coalition of African civil society organizations that includes PALU committed to working collectively on the crises in the Horn, organised a solidarity and advocacy mission, prior to and on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly, from 11th to 20th September 2023.

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PALU Membership
The Pan African Lawyers Union (PALU) is a dual membership forum for individual African lawyers and African lawyers' associations.

PALU membership categories are as follows:
1. Individual Membership – This is open to any African lawyer and requires a payment of a once-off joining (registration) fee of $50 + $ 50 renewal per year.

2. Life Membership – This is open to an African lawyer and is a once-off payment of $ 1,000.

3. Special Endowment Membership – This is open to distinguished African lawyers at a once-off payment of $ 10,000.

Life and Special Endowment Members will also benefit from premier listing services including advertising and coverage on both our website and printed media. In addition, the Special Endowment Members will be granted space on our website to provide more detailed information about their practice and areas of expertise.
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We are thrilled to announce that our Membership Engagement System (MES), powered by GlueUp, is now fully operational and ready to empower you in more ways than ever before!

Your Digital Hub: With MES, you now have a personalized digital hub where you can effortlessly create and manage your profile, making it easier than ever to showcase your expertise, interests, and passions.

Connect and Network: Dive into a world of opportunities to connect and network with fellow members who share your professional interests and areas of practice. Build valuable connections, exchange ideas, learn new trends and explore new collaborations seamlessly.

Join Committees and Communities: PALU is all about unity and collective action! With MES, you can easily join committees and communities that resonate with your goals and interests. Shape the future together with like-minded peers.

Stay Updated: Never miss a beat on PALU's latest developments, events, and initiatives. MES will serve as your go-to platform for all updates, newsletters, and e-bulletins, ensuring you're always in the loop.

This platform isn't just a tool; it's your passport to a more enriched PALU experience. We're excited to embark on this digital journey with you!
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