Enhancing Civil Society engagements with the African Union
The workshop took place from the 22nd - 24th February 2022 in Nairobi Kenya. Participants were drawn from CSOs, representatives from RECs/RMs, AU liaison offices and Special Representatives.
The overall objective was for civil society actors to develop a collective resolution and plan on how best to engage the African Union, Political Affairs, Peace and Security (PAPS) Department.
The workshop aimed to highlight the role of civil society in support of peace and security agendas and map out existing frameworks for civil society participation within the AU. It explored existing best practices identified opportunities and proposed innovative mechanisms that can become formal entry points for engaging the AU at the national and regional levels.
The following expected outcomes were set out ahead of the workshop:
· Enhanced coordination and synergy among participating CSO actors to avoid duplication of efforts.
· Maximizing their collective contribution to the work of the AU.
· Adopt a consolidated 2022 CSO priority actions in support of AU PAPS.
· Enhanced understanding of best practices for engaging the AU and RECs/RMs
The workshop aimed to highlight the role of civil society in support of peace and security agendas and map out existing frameworks for civil society participation within the AU. It explored existing best practices identified opportunities and proposed innovative mechanisms that can become formal entry points for engaging the AU at the national and regional levels.
Discussions and presentations focused on: the role, value, and gaps in civil society engagement with AU Offices; the existing structures and mechanisms through which the AU engages civil society; as well as the engagement of the AU beyond the Commission and best practices for civil society engagement through RECs/RMs.
Africa Union Reflections Forum on Unconstitutional Change of Government (UCGs) on the Continent
PALU participated in a meeting organized by the African Union Commission that was focusing on the increasing number of Unconstitutional Changes of Government in Africa which was held on 15th -17th March 2022 in Accra, Ghana.
The meeting brought together representatives of the A.U , Member States , PSC , A.U organs /Institutions, RECS /RMS, Civil Societies, Africa Think tanks, and other stake holders.
The objectives of the forum were to have the stakeholders feed information onto the Extra Ordinary Summit on terrorism and unconstitutional change of Government billed for the end of May 2022 in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea.
The other objective of the forum was to review the continued relevance and effectiveness of various treaty-making frameworks at regional and Continental Level including ACDEG.
Drafting Workshop for Citizens Forum on Democracy and Unconstitutional Changes (UCGs) of Government in Africa.
PALU participated in the aforementioned workshop organized by ECOSOCC – A.U which was held on 9th -11th May 2022 in Lusaka, Zambia.
The objectives of the workshop were to :
· Develop a concept note for the inaugural citizen's forum on Democracy and Unconstitutional Changes of government in Africa
· Develop a programme for the citizen's forum
· Come up with an organizational and road map for the forum
Citizens Forum on Democracy and Unconstitutional Changes of Government in Africa
PALU participated in the inaugural citizens' forum on Democracy and Unconstitutional Changes of Government in Africa organized by ECOSOCC A.U, the forum was focusing on the rising rates of UCGS and it was held on 11th – 13th July 2022 in Lusaka, Zambia.
The objectives of the forum were :
· Come up with a policy statement on Democracy and Unconstitutional Changes of Government in Africa, that would build towards the outcome of national and regional policies including civil society perceptions in the formulation.
· Come up with a plan of action for relevant stakeholders for the reduction and non-recurrence of UCGs
Stakeholder’s seminar on the African Charter on Democracy , elections and Governance (ACDEG)
On 26th – 27th July 2022, PALU participated in the above seminar which was organized by AGA – APSA , A.U and was held in Addis Ababa Ethiopia.
The main objective was to provide an opportunity for CSO reflection on the ratification, domestication of ACDEG drawn from thematic areas research, continental and regional program experience as well as identification of or create a shared understanding on the role of CSO in supporting (providing capacity) for members states to fulfil their international, reginal obligations arising out of treaties and charters like the ACDEG.
Workshop for the Evaluation and Development of Comprehensive AGA-APSA Citizen Engagement Strategy
PALU participated in a workshop organized by AGA-APSA Secretariat on the Evaluation and Development of Comprehensive AGA-APSA Citizen Engagement Strategy which was held from 22nd -24th August 2022. The workshop aimed to evaluate and review the Youth Engagement Strategy and Women Engagement Strategy and develop a CSO’s component to inform the development of a comprehensive Citizen's Engagement Strategy. The specific objectives of the workshop are:
· To conduct an impact assessment of the AGA YES and WES
· To develop a comprehensive Citizen Engagement Strategy that will incorporate the revised youth, women and gender strategies as well as develop a CSO’s engagement strategy.
Expected Outcomes
· Conduct an evaluation of existing strategies to review successes, identify challenges and forge solutions
· Use the revised strategies as building blocks to develop the Comprehensive Citizens Engagement Strategy
· Develop a CSOs component to the comprehensive strategy
· Create a comprehensive Citizen strategy that will incorporate and mainstream youth, women/gender and CSOs